TM 10-4610-232-12
No. 2 heater (6) should be running as pan of transport and setup. Start heater no. 2
first. If both heaters require starting, start only one at a time. Starting requires extra
power. The power supply (7) does not supply sufficient power to start both heaters at the
same time. Thermostat (8) controls heater no. 1 (9), thermostat (10) controls heater no.
2 (6).
(b) Set thermostat (10) to desired ambient temperature.
(c) Switch AUX switch (11) to PREHEAT and hold in this position for 30 seconds.
(d) Switch MAIN switch (12) to START.
(e) After 10 seconds, release AUX switch (11 ) and after 45 seconds switch MAIN switch (1 2) to RUN Green HTR
OPER light (1 3) should come on.
(f) If light (13) goes off, repeat procedure. If heater still does not work troubleshoot heaters.
(9) Open the circuit breaker cover and turn the PUMP SKID HEATER circuit breaker on.
(h) Check control knob on front of heater. Insure that knob is turned to maximum setting (clockwise).
If the carbon monoxide monitor sounds an audible alarm or either the yellow ALARM 1 (1
5) or red ALARM 2 (16) lights are lit, press alarm reset (17).
(i) Check the CO monitor green SYSTEM OK indicator light (18). If it is not lit, refer to diesel heater and CO
monitor troubleshooting.
The CO monitor Is set to sound an audible alarm and turn on ALARM 1 when level of CO
exceeds 25 ppm. Audible alarm will sound and ALARM 2 will light up at over 50ppm.
OSHA standards for an 8 hour period safe maximum CO level! is 50 ppm. If levels of CO
in van exceed 25 ppm (ALARM 1), determine whether the source of CO is the diesel
heaters in the van or an extend source. If CO source is external to the van, close doors
and inlet air vent.
(j) Notify organizational maintenance
If CO level exceeds 50 ppm, evacuate the van. CO is deadly.
(k) If CO level can not be reduced to less than 50ppm, all personnel must leave the van. The ROWPU will operate
by itself and only an hourly check by crewmembers will be required. Do not enter the van unless necessary, and then only
for a minimal amount of time.
Do not enter van alone during a red ALARM 2 condition. Always have another
crewmember available to insure safety. CO is deadly.
(4) Deploy Raw Water System as described in paragraph 2-14d except for the following:
(a) Remove intake strainer and attach Ice hole strainer(14)to raw water suction hose. Push strainer through Ice
note at least 2 feet
(b) Place wood skid (19) at desired location and place raw water pump (20) on skid.
(c) Mount heat lamp (21) on wood skid (if not already in place).
(d) Attach the drain hose (22)
(e) Place the cover (23)over the raw water pump assembly Secure edges with snow. dirt,. rocks. unused hoses
Be sure PUMP HEAT/SUMP HEAT ON/OFF switch (24) is set to OFF position before
connecting heat lamp power cable. Failure to do so could result in electrocution.
(f) Connect heat lamp power cable (251 to outlet (26) on ROWPU van
Change 7 2-144.1 / (2-144.2 Blank)