TM 10-4610-232-12
Do not start high pressure pump until the heat lamp (operated by the PUMP SKID HEATER
circuit breaker has been on for at least 1 hour. Failure to allow for this warming will result
in immediate freeze up and possible damage.
(e) Follow normal start-up procedures described in paragraph 2-17.
(f) Disconnect hoses from storage tank outlets. Inspect for ice plugs at storage tank outlets
(g) Fill tanks with about 12 inches of water. Attach dispensing hoses. FIX handle of each dispensing nozzle to
open position, and put each nozzle under water in a tank and then start pump. The resulting flow will help stop freezing.
Do not start distribution pump until it has been warmed by the heat lamp.
If nozzles are not immediately placed under water, they may become so cold that the
pumped water wiII immediately freeze when contacting the nozzles.
(2) If the ROWPU was allowed to freeze, proceed as follows:
(a) Establish normal diesel generator power supply, start both heaters and the hi-pump heater and turn PUMP
HEAT/SUMP HEAT ON/OFF switch to ON position.
(b) If RO elements were removed, install (para. 3-28).
(c) If RO elements were not removed, set heater thermostats to maximum and wait 8 days
The thawing can be accelerated by ducting a shelter heater to heat the inside of the van. If
85°F (29.4°C) can be obtained, only 2 days will be required.
(d) Follow procedures, para. 2-17, up to the media fitter forward flush just before start-up.
(e) After starting booster pump, adjust the feed flow to 50 gpm (189 Ipm) using the feed valve. Continue this 50
gpm (189 Ipm) flush for 30 minutes.
(f) Increase the feed flow to 100 gpm (378 Ipm) using the feed valve. Continue for an additional 30 minutes.
If the media filter pressure gage shows a pressure drop over 20 psi (138 kPa) there is ice
blockage. See para. 2-35 for emergency procedure.
(g) Complete start-up.
g. Cold Shutdown to Standby. Follow shutdown procedures in paragraph 2-18 and in addition perform the following
(1) Do not shut down diesel generator. Generator is needed to power heat lamps. van and high pressure pump
space heaters and sump heat tracing.
(2) Do not shut down distribution pump. Leave dispensing nozzles open in product water tanks. Circulation of
water will prevent freezing.
Hoses will begin to freeze if standby shutdown lasts more than 15 minutes. When the
ROWPU is shut down for longer than 15 minutes, all raw water and waste hoses must be
drained. Disconnect the canvas hoses and roll up to push all water out. Disconnect suction
hose segments which are out of water.