TM 10-4610-232-12
(g) Turn PUMP HEAT/SUMP HEAT ON/OFF(24)switchto ON. This will turn on pump heat Iamps and van sump
heat tracing.
(h) Do not prime raw water pump until ready to use. Do not prime pump until heat lamp has warmed the pump.
Failure to properly warm the raw water pump before priming wiII result in an immediate
freeze up of the pump and possible damage.
When raw water pump is first started, lift cover and be sure pump is rotating by looking at
the shaft between the pump and motor. If not, stop immediately and allow heat lamp to
warm pump.
(5) Deploy Potable Water Distribution System as described in paragraph 2-14 except for the following:
(a) Place wood skid (27) at desired location and place distribution pump (28) on skid.
(b) Mount heat lamp (29) on wood skid (if not already in place).
(c) Attach the drain hose (30).
(d) Place the cover (31) over the distribution pump assembly. Secure edges with snow, dirt, rocks, unused
hoses, etc.
Be sure PUMP HEAT/SUMP HEAT ON/OFF switch (24) is set to OFF position before
connecting heat lamp power cable. Failure to do so could result in electrocution.
(e) Turn PUMP HEAT/SUMP HEAT ON/OFF (24) switch to OFF.
(f) Connect heat lamp power cable (32) to outlet (33) on ROWPU van.
(g) Turn PUMP HEAT/SUMP HEAT ON/OFF (24) switch to ON. This will turn on pump heat Iamps and van sump
heat tracing.
(h) Do not connect dispensing hoses until ready to start distribution pump. Keep dispensing hoses reside
ROWPU van.
Failure to properly warm the pump before starting wiII result in an immediate freeze up of
the distribution pump and possible damage.
When distribution pump is first started, lift cover and be sure pump is rotating by looking at
the shaft between the pump and motor. If not, stop immediately and allow heat lamp to
warm pump.
f. Initial Adjustments, Checks, and Self Tests. See paragraph 2-15 For first start-up or start-up from secured or
drained conditions, refer to para. 2-17 with the following variations.
(1) If the ROWPU has not been allowed to freeze, proceed as follows
(a) Establish normal diesel generator power supply, start both heaters and turn PUMP HEAT/SUMP HEAT
ON-OFF switch to ON position if not already accomplished.
If hoses were rolled and stored in ROWPU, normal procedures may be followed.
(b) If hoses were not rolled and stored, then roll the hosing under foot breaking loose any ice inside.
(c) Disconnect raw water intake hose at ROWPU and place end away from immediate area
(d) Prime and start raw water pump. Allow flow to blow ice from end of the hose. The hose may have to be
walked on to break up ice. Stop pump Reconnect hose. Restart pump.
Hoses may have to be disconnected to remove ice plugs at metal connectors.
Change 6 2-145