TM 10-4610-232-12
(1) Log the high pressure pump hourmeter reading at first start-up on the NBC mission and at each NBC media
replacement. Replace the NBC media at 100 hour intervals. Remove the NBC media as detailed by 2-33f(1). Replace as
detailed by 2-33b(1 and 2).
(2) Loosen the clamps (10) and open the NBC filter cover (11). Check to assure that NBC filter media is in the filter.
(3) If empty, refill.
(a) Empty eleven containers of ion exchange resin (35 lb each) into the filter.
(b) Empty nine containers of activated carbon (35 lb each) into the filter on top of the resin.
The NBC filter cover is heavy, use care when closing to avoid injury.
(c) Wipe the flange surface clean, close the filter cover (11) and tighten the clamps (10).
(d) Close vent valve (12).
c. First Start-Up and Start-Up from Drained Conditions. See para. 2-17 except vary as follows:
Water coming out of the vent valve (12) will be contaminated. Make certain to avoid
skin contact with contaminated water. Use a clearly marked container to collect this
water. Failure to do so could result in death.
(1) Before starting high pressure pump, open NBC filter vent valve
(2) Close vent valve (12) when water is first observed.
(12) and close drain (13).
To avoid death or injury, do not direct water to the storage tanks until cleared by the
medical team.
(3) Following medical team clearance, direct the water to storage.
d. Shut Down to Temporary Secured Status Up to 3 Days. Refer to paragraph 2-22. Open NBC filter vent (12) and
drain (13) whenever draining is required.
e. Shut Down to Long Term Secured Conditions. Refer to paragraph 2-23 with the following variations.
All three storage tanks must be full to provide water required for long term secured
shut down.
(1) Remove the NBC filter media (Figure 2-73).
When deployed on an NBC decontamination mission, a Toxilogical Agent Protec-
tive (TAP) outfit or appropriate MOPP level protective gear, as approved by the
supervisor, must be worn.
Qualified NBC personnel should be contacted to assist in the marking and moni-
toring of the contaminated waste dump site.
(a) Remove the floor mats from the NBC filter area.
(b) Connect the NBC media blow out hose (1) to the blow out valve (2) and position the hose outlet for a safe
(c) Remove hose (4) and cap the inlet.
(d) Shift hose (4) upper position to the product connection (6).