TM 10-4610-232-12
Manual Operation of Automatic Valves for Model WTA-060. It an air operated valve fails to cycle as expected, the
valve can be manually controlled until the cause of the failure is determined and repair has been made. All the automatic
valves in the ROWPU can be hand operated when necessary. This paragraph gives the instructions for manually
operating the valves and tells how the valves should be set for various modes.
Identify failed automatic valves.
Blue lights indicate which valves are open.
Check that all blue lights work by pushing UGHT TEST (26, Figure 2-4).
Compare open valves with listing of valves which should be open for operating condition (see below).
The actual valve position can be checked by removing the orange cap from the valve actuator. The
center red capped stem is in when the valve is open.
Set automatic valve for manual operation (Figure 2-74).
Do not pull on the wires to disconnect the connector as the connector pins will be damaged. Separate the
connector halves by gently pulling on both sides of the connector center split line until the connector slides
If the valve actuator (5) is supported by a bracket (1). loosen the nut(2) and bolt (3). Do not remove
the support halves (4). Close the appropriate air valve. Disconnect the electrical connector.
If the valve actuator (5) is not supported by a bracket, close the appropriate air block valve (Figure 2-
8) and disconnect the electrical connector (6).
Remove the clamp (7) between the valve actuator (5) and valve (8).
Figure 2-74. Setting of Automatic Valves for Manual Operation
2-156 Change 7