TM 10-4610-232-12
Use solution to decon specific surfaces. Let stand for 15 minutes, then flush off with clean water.
Areas must be tested before removing protective gear.
Avoid tracking mud into ROWPU.
Preparation for movement. After NBC agent exposure while deployed, the ROWPU will require detailed decon. Use the
following procedure to prepare to move to the detailed decon operations site.
Secure ROWPU to temporary secured status as described in para. 2-22.
Do not pack-up deployed pumps and hoses. Use a separate truck or other vehicle to pack-up all deployed items for
transport to the decon site.
Packing these items inside the ROWPU will severely increase the agent contamination of
surfaces inside the ROWPU van.
Do not drain potable water storage tanks. Leave for later decon or decon by weathering.