TM 10-4610-232-12
Table 3-1. Operator Troubleshooting Guide (Continued).
12. Raw water pump needs to be primed whenever it is stopped.
Step 1.
Check raw water suction hoses that are out of water.
Clean and tighten connections. Replace missing or damaged gaskets.
Step 2.
Check raw water pump drain valve.
Notify unit maintenance if it leaks.
Step 3.
Inspect check valve for proper operation.
Notify unit maintenance if inoperative.
Step 4.
Notify unit maintenance.
13. Raw water pump runs but wont prime.
Step 1.
Check raw water pump drain valve.
Close, if open. Install manual priming pump and, while working handle, put finger over outlet of drain valve.
Notify unit maintenance that drain valve needs replacing if suction is felt on finger.
Step 2.
Check raw water suction hoses that are out of water.
Clean and tighten connections. Replace missing or damaged gaskets.
Step 3.
Check that raw water pump is filled with water.
Use priming pitcher to fill pump.
Step 4.
Check height of pump above water level.
Move pump to a lower level if it is more than 15 ft. (4.6 m) above water level.
Step 5.
Check length of suction hose out of water.
Move pump closer to water if more than 3 sections are exposed.
Step 6.
Check raw water intake strainer.
Clean off debris.
Step 7.
Inspect check valve for proper operation.
Notify unit maintenance if inoperative.
Step 8.
Notify unit maintenance.
14. Raw water pump does not deliver sufficient flow or pressure to operate the ROWPU.
100 gpm (378 lpm) cannot be obtained when starting with media flush valve open.
FEED PRESSURE LOW alarm light remains on after media flush valve is closed.
40 psig (345 kPa) cannot be obtained at the cartridge filter pressure gage before starting high pressure pump (red
The FEED PRESSURE LOW light and alert horn come on shortly after starting the high pressure pump.
Step 1.
Check raw water pump discharge hoses
Remove any kinks, sharp bends, or pluggings.
Step 2.
Check manual valve positions.
Set valves correctly (para. 2-17b).
Step 3.
Check filter pressure differentials. Start-up system, including high pressure pump, and watch filter gages.
If the media filter differential is 20 psi (136 kPa) or greater, backwash media filter.
If the cartridge filter differential is 15 psi (102 kPa) or greater change cartridge filters
Step 4.
Check height of ROWPU Water Purification System (van) above raw water pump.
Relocate equipment if ROWPU Water Purification System van is more than 30 ft (9.2 m) above the
height of the raw water pump and no more than 200 ft. (61 m) from the ROWPU Water Purification
Step 5.
Check raw water suction hoses out of water.
Clean and tighten connections. Replace missing or damaged gaskets.
Step 6.
Check raw water intake strainer
Clean off debris.
Step 7.
Check basket strainer
Clean basket strainer
Step 8.
Check automatic valve positions.
Refer to automatic valve troubleshooting if they am not positioned properly.
3-4 Change 12