TM 10-4610-232-12
Table 3-1. Operator Troubleshooting Guide (Continued).
Press INITIATE pushbutton.
Press RAW WATER PUMP START pushbutton.
Step 6.
Check warning lights.
PRODUCT PRESSURE HIGH light on. Clear alarm light by pressing SYSTEM RESET pushbutton. If light
does not go out, refer to product high pressure troubleshooting.
HIGH PRESSURE PUMP PRESSURE HIGH alarm light on. Clear by pressing SYSTEM RESET pushbut-
ton. If light does not go out, notify unit maintenance.
Step 7.
Notify unit maintenance.
4. Raw water pump starts but stops when RAW WATER PUMP START pushbutton is released.
Step 1.
Notify unit maintenance.
5. Raw water pump motor hums but won't turn with ambient temperature above 32F (0°C).
Step 1.
Immediately push RAW WATER PUMP STOP.
Step 2.
Notify unit maintenance.
6. Raw water pump motor hums but won't turn with ambient temperature below 32°F (0°C).
Step 1.
Immediately push RAW WATER PUMP STOP.
Step 2.
Check pump heat lamp (winter kit item).
With pump stopped, pump heat lamp should be on. If not, refer to pump heat lamp troubleshooting.
Step 3.
Check for icing.
Disconnect suction and discharge hoses. Open drain and priming valves. Allow pump heat lamp to heat
pump for one hour and then start pump.
Step 4.
Notify unit maintenance.
7. RAW WATER PUMP circuit breaker opens whenever RAW WATER PUMP START pushbutton is pushed.
Make sure the circuit breaker for the raw water pump is turned off. Failure to do so could
result in electrocution.
Step 1.
Check raw water pump power cable.
Clean and dry power cable electrical connector
Step 2.
Notify unit maintenance.
8. RAW WATER PUMP circuit breaker trips open repeatedly
Step 1.
Notify unit maintenance.
9. RAW WATER PUMP GROUND FAULT trips repeatedly.
Step 1.
Check raw water pump power cable.
Turn off RAW WATER PUMP circuit breaker before proceeding. Failure to do so could result
in electrocution.
Clean and dry electrical connectors
Step 2.
Notify unit maintenance.
10. Raw water pump/motor is noisy.
Step 1.
Notify unit maintenance.
11. Raw water pump assembly leaks.
Step 1.
Notify unit maintenance.
Change 6 3-3