TM 10-4610-232-12
Table 4-2. Unit Troubleshooting Guide (Continued)
4. Excessive noise or vibration during ROWPU operation.
Make certain booster pump and raw water pump are running to avoid damage to the
high pressure pump.
Locate the source of the noise or vibration by momentarily shutting down each motor and pump.
(a)I[f noise or vibration is isolated to the generator, refer to generator maintenance
manual, TM 5-6115-545-12.
(b) If noise or vibration is isolated to a pump or motor, refer to the troubleshooting
that covers the noisy assembly.
5. An automatic valve works properly but water (or chemical solution) leaks through it when closed.
Adjust valve/actuator positioning setscrew. (See automatic valve troubleshooting for adjustment.)
If leak cannot be stopped by adjustment, replace valve (para. 4-47).
6. Any pump is suspected of not supplying enough water or of low pressure output.
Check that the pump rotation is correct.
Rewire the pump motor if the pump rotation is wrong. Refer to electrical troubleshooting.
7. Media or debris is found in the bottom RO vessels at the generator end.
Inspect waste out check valve for proper operation or wear.
Replace check valve if defective (para. 4-45).
1. Raw water pump is noisy.
Check mounting hardware.
(a) If loose, tighten.
(b) If pump is still noisy, replace pump and motor assembly (para. 4-15).
(c) Check the inlet strainer for damage because a damaged strainer may allow foreign objects to
enter the suction hoses.
2. Raw water pump assembly leaks.
Step 1. Check the motor shaft and pump casing for leaks.
Replace the pump and motor assembly if leaks are present in these areas (para. 4-15).
Step 2. Check the piping for leaks.
Repair by tightening or by removing and putting teflon tape on the threads (para. 4-14).
Step 3. Check the inlet flapper valve for leaks by filling the pump with water.
(a) If leaking, tighten the inlet flapper mount hardware (para. 4-16).
(b) Replace inlet flapper if leak cannot be stopped (para. 4-16).
3. Raw water pump runs but will not prime.
Step 1. Check the inlet flapper valve.
If it does not move freely, replace the valve (para. 4-16).
Step 2. Actuate the prime assist pump (para. 2-17b).
If air does not come out the discharge end of pump, replace the prime assist pump (para. 4-18).
Step 3. Check for leaks by filling the pump with water.
(a) If the drain valve leaks, tighten/replace drain valve (para. 4-14).