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Table 4-2. Unit Troubleshooting Guide (Continued)
(a) If no voltage is present, notify direct support maintenance.
(b) If voltage is present across J12A/J, check continuity from P12A and J to P52A and J respec-
(c) Rep ace the cable and connector if faulty (para. 4-27).
(d) If voltage is present across J12F/J, check continuity from P12F and J to P52N and J respec-
(e) Replace the cable and connector if faulty (para. 4-27).
2. Alarm(s) will not reset (Reference Interconnection Diagram FO-1, Sheet 6, schematic line 638, and Schematic
diagram FO-1, Sheet 9, Schematic lines 902-936).
The alarm will not reset if conditions which caused the alarm have not been fixed.
The chemical tanks and the clean/flush tank must have sufficient solution in them to
raise the level switches. Operating pressures must be below the setpoint of pressure
switches or they will not reset.
Check the operating pressures of the ROWPU against the setpoints shown on the electrical schematic before
troubleshooting and that the chemical tanks and clean flush tank are full.
Notify direct support maintenance if the pressures and levels noted above are okay and individual
pressure/level switch troubleshooting has not isolated the problem.
3. Alarm horns turn on when INITIATE is pushed.
Refer to alarm circuit troubleshooting, malfunction 2, alarms will not reset.
4. Alarm horns did not sound and ROWPU shut down. Alarm horns did not sound and chemical tanks ran dry.
This situation is normal whenever alarm reset has been pushed and any chemical
tank, the clean/flush tank, or feed low pressure switch has not been satisfied. Clear
those alarms before troubleshooting this symptom.
Step 1.
Step 2.
Press light test.
(a) If any of the ten alarm lights do not come on, replace the light bulb (para. 3-17).
(b) If replacing a light bulb doesnt turn the light on during test, notify direct support maintenance.
Press alarm test.
(a) If both horns dont come on, refer to alarm circuit troubleshooting, malfunction 1, alarm test
does not work.
(b) Notify direct support maintenance.
All pressure switch troubleshooting should be done without any water or air pressure
on the system unless otherwise noted.
1. High pressure pump high pressure switch does not work (Reference Interconnection Diagram FO-1, Sheet 9
schematic lines 902-903).
Step 1. Test operation of switch. Refer to unit PMCS for procedure.
If switch is not working, go to step 2.
Step 2. Shutdown the ROWPU. Remove connectors P12 Reference Interconnection Diagram FO-2, Sheet
15) and P11 Reference Interconnection Diagram FO-2, Sheet 14) from the control panel. Check for
110-120 VAC across J11A and J12J (Reference Interconnection Diagram FO-2, Sheet 9).
If voltage is not present, notify direct support maintenance.
Step 3. Check continuity acrossP11A and P11D.
If the continuity check is okay, notify direct support maintenance.
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