TM 10-4610-232-12
a. Remove plugs (1), gaskets (2) from connector (3).
b. Remove connectors (3) from elbows (4) and remove elbows (4).
c. Slide plug wires (5) off of nipples (6), and remove nipples from tee (7).
d. Remove tee from check valve (8).
e. Remove connector (9) from check valve (8).
f. Remove adapter (10) and cap (11) from nipple (12).
g. Remove nipple (12) from pump body.
h. Remove plug (13) and connector(14) and gasket (15).
i. Remove valve (16) and nipple (17).
j. Remove nut (18) and handle (19).
k. Remove valve (20) and nipple (21).
l. Loosen four bolts (22) on bottom of pump/motor assembly. Using a suitable wedge, raise the housing. Remove
elbow (23).
m. Remove tube (24), adapter (25) and elbow (26).
R E P A I R .
a. Install antiseize tape on leaking fittings. Antiseize tape should be installed on male pipe threads in a clockwise
direction as viewed when looking at the pipe end being repaired. All old tape should be removed from the fitting before
installing new tape.
b. Replace any gaskets that are leaking or any damaged/leaking valves and pipe fittings
There should be gaskets in all cam and groove fittings.
c. Repair by replacing any missing or damaged dust caps or plugs (para. 4-11).
d. Repair damaged dust plugs and caps on connectors by cutting the attaching chain and replacing plug or cap. (para,
Make sure that antiseize tape is installed correctly on all male pipe threads before
installation. Check that the flow check valve (6) is installed correctly if it has been
removed; the valve must open when water flows into adapter (7). Tighten all fittings
securely to ensure a leak free joint.
a. Install elbow (26), adapter (25), and tube (24).
b. Install elbow (23).
c. Remove wedge from pump housing and tighten bolts (22).
d. Install nipple (21) and valve (20).
e. Install handle (19) and secure with nut (18).
f. Install nipple (17) and valve (16).
g. Place gasket (15) into connector (14) and install onto valve (16).
h. Install nipple (12) into pump body.
i. Install adapter (10) and cap (11) to nipple (12).
j. Install connector (9) on check valve (8).
k. Install check valve into tee (7).
l. Install nipples (6). Slide plug wires (5) onto nipples and install elbows (4).
m. Install connectors (3), gaskets (2) and caps (1).