TM 10-4610-232-12
Figure 4-29. Electrical Installation (sheet 8 of 8) Utility Lights
Valve actuator cable connector is installed in the same manner as other cables. Only
removal procedure is different.
(1) Refer to Figure 4-29 and find the cable to be installed.
(2) Connect the cable at one end. Then, route the cable as shown, securing it with tie wraps and clamps at the
points from which they were removed. See para. 4-10 for the method of replacing tie wraps. Replace cable clamps as
(a) Refer to Figure 4-29, sheet 2, View A and place the cable being installed in clamp (6). If channel (7) has been
removed, reinstall it using capscrews (8), Iockwashers (9) and washers (10).
(b) If the cable clamp(6) was repaired, slide the cable into clamp (6) and secure it in the clamp using screws (1),
washers (2), nuts (3), Iockwashers (4) and washers (5).
(c) Slide clamp (6) into channel (7).