TM 10-4610-232-12
c. Split Hanger Brackets (View H).
(1) To free sound insulating blankets, hoses and/or piping, remove two capscrews (1), washers (2) and locknuts (3)
and remove lower half of bracket (4) and cushions (5).
(2) If necessary, remove two capscrews (6), lockwashers (7) and flat washers (8) and remove upper half of bracket
(9 and 10).
(3) If necessary, unscrew bracket (9) from mount (10).
d. Mounting Brackets (View l).
(1) To free piping (10). remove two capscrews (1), Iockwashers (2) and washers (3), nuts (4) and washers (5),
(2) If necessary, remove two capscrews (6), Iockwashers (7), and washers (8) and remove bracket (9).
a. Replace all worn or damaged cushions.
b. Straighten bent damps.
c. Replace unserviceable components.
a. Mounting Brackets (View l).
(1) Install brackets (9) with two capscrews (6), Iockwashers (7) and washers (8).
(2) Secure piping (10) with two capscrews (1), Iockwashers (2), washers (3), nuts (4) and washers (5).
b. Split Hanger Brackets (View H).
(1) Position upper half of bracket (9 and 10) on van ceiling. Secure bracket (10) with two capscrews (6),
Iockwashers (7), and flat washers (8).
(2) Install cushions (5) and align lower half of bracket (4) with upper half (9) and push lower bracket (4) and hoses
and/or piping against upper half of bracket (9).
(3) Apply pressure to hoses and/or piping to keep lower half of bracket (4) and hoses and/or piping in place and
secure lower bracket (4) to upper half with two capscrews (1), nuts (2), and locknuts (3).
c. Hanger Brackets (View G).
(1) Position bracket (13) on ceiling of van and secure with capscrew (10), Iockwasher (11) and washer (12).
(2) Slide spring nut (9) into channel of bracket (13).
(3) Position cushion (5) around hoses and/or piping and push assembled cushion (5) and hoses and/or piping on
bracket (13).
(4) Align clamp (4) on bracket(13) with hoses and/or piping held in place.
(5) Secure clamp (4) with hardware (6 thru 9) making certain that hose and/or piping is held in position by square
washer (8) without crimping or binding.
(6) Install washer (2), locknut (3) and tighten screw (1) to secure clamp halves.
d. Restraint Bracket (Views A thru F).
(1) Install brackets (9) and secure with capscrews (6), Iockwashers (7) and washers (8).
(2) Position cushions (5) and clamp halves (4) around hoses and/or piping and secure with screws (1), washer (2)
and locknuts (3).
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