TM 10-4610-232-34
a. Attach lifting sling hooks (61) to skid lifting ports (62).
When positioning high pressure pump skid on trailer. be careful not to damage air
shock air hoses.
a.2 On Model ROWPU-1, place wooden brace (69) into position between high pressure pump and trailer bulkhead.
b. Use suitable lifting device to lift high pressure pump skid (64) onto trailer. Remove and store sling (61) in container
c. Install access cover (60), capscrews (57), lockwashers (58) and washers (59).
d. Install holddown straps (53) and clips (56).
a.1 For Model ROWPU-1, make a wooden brace (69). Refer to Appendix C, Manufactured Items List, for
manufacturing instructions.
e. Use ratchet handle (54) to move ratchet (53) up and down applying tension to strap to secure high pressure pump
skid to trailer.
f. Install canvas boot (50) through container.
g. Refer to Figure 2-74, sheet 1 and push three power cables (42, 43 and 44) through container wall opening.
h. Push air hose (35) through container wall opening.
I. Push low pressure hose (1) through container wall opening.
j. Push high pressure hose (19) through container wall opening.
k. Install grounding cable (48) by tightening nuts (46) on grounding lugs (47).
Make sure electrical power is disconnected before working on Unit. Failure to do so
could result in serious injury.
l. Connect three power cables (42, 43 and 44) to junction box (45).
m. Install air hose (35) to clamp (36) with lockwashers (40), two washers (39), capscrews (38) and nuts (37).
n. Connect air hose (35).
Use glycerin on all gaskets for easier assembly.
o. Install high pressure hose (19) to high pressure pipe (30) with gasket (34), clamps (33), capscrews (32) and nuts
o.1. Install clamp (25D), clamp (25C), nut (25B), and screw (25A).
p. Install low pressure hose (1) to low pressure pipe (25) with gasket (29), clamps (28), capscrews (27) and nuts (26).
q. Install high pressure hose (19) to high pressure pipe (20) with gasket (24), clamps (23), capscrews (22) and nuts
r. Install capscrew (14). washer (15), lockwasher (16), plate (17) to spring nut (18).
s. Install low pressure hose (1) to low pressure pipe (2) with gasket (6), clamps (5), capscrews (4) and nuts (3).
t. Secure low pressure hose (1) to clamp (13) with cushion (12), capscrew (7), washers (8), lockwashers (9) and nut
u. Position and fold outer canvas boot (50) around container wall flange and secure with buckle (49).
v. lnstall clamp (52D) clamp (52C), nut (52B), and screw (52A) to secure hoses to container wall flange. (MODEL
w. Pull inner canvas boot (51) through bracket (52) and secure to hoses (1 and 19), power cables (42, 43 and 44) and
air nose (35) with buckle (49).
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