TM 10-4610-232-34
Table 2-1. Direct Support Troubleshooting Guide (Continued)
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
Step 5.
Step 6.
Shut down the ROWPU and open the control panel. Watch TDK5 as alarm reset is pushed. If the inner dial
marker read zero prior to pushing reset it should move to a reading of 5 seconds (full scale). If it was reading
anything above zero it should maintain that position. The indicating plunger of K20 should be pulled in. Start
the raw water pump. When the feed low pressure light goes out, TDK5 will time down to zero which will then
release K20 and the indicating plunger will pop out.
If everything happens as noted, use the mixing paddle and lightly push down one of the chemical tank
floats. The alarm should come on. If it does not, go to step 3.
If TDK5 times down and K20 did not de-energize, replace TDK5 (para. 2-23).
If TDK5 did not time down, go to step 2.
for 110-120 VAC across terminals 1 and 2 of TDK5.
If there is no voltage, replace TDK5 (para. 2-23).
If there is voltage across the terminals and there are no alarm lights lit on the panel, one of the
following switches is shorted. Refer to individual switch troubleshooting.
Feed low pressure.
Chlorine low level.
Polyelectrolyte low level.
Sequestrant low level.
Clean/flush tank low.
Shut down ROWPU and generator. Remove the wires on contacts A2Y/A2X and A1X/A1Y of relay K20.
Check that continuity is broken on each contact when the indicating plunger of K20 is pushed in.
Replace K20 if either contact does not open or if either contact stays open when the indicating plunger is
out (para. 2-23).
Remove the wires on B4Y/B4X and C1Y/C1X on relay K1. Remove the wires on C2Y/C2X, C3Y/C3X and
A2Y/A2X on relay K2. Remove the wires on C3Y/C3X and C4Y/C4X on relay K3. Test each set of contacts
except A2Y/A2X on K2 for continuity when the indicating plunger on each relay is pushed in. The
K2(A2Y/A2X) contact should have continuity when the plunger is out.
If any contact does not show continuity, as noted above, replace the corresponding relay (para. 2-23),
Remove the wires A1Y/A1X and A3Y/A3X on relay K26. Test each set of contacts for continuity when the
indicating plunger on K26 (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 7) is out.
If any contact does not show continuity, replace relay K26 (para. 2-23).
Remove the wires on A2Y/A2X on relay K5 (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 7). Test the contact
for continuity when the indicating plunger on K5 is out.
If the contact does not show continuity, replace relay K5 (para. 2-23).
Alarm silence does not work. (Ref. Schematic diagram FO-1, sheet 10, schematic lines 1003-1013).
Step 1. Shutdown ROWPU and generator. Refer to electrical drawings in Appendix D. Remove the K1 and K2 wires
from K26. Check continuity, point-to-point, from transformer T1(X1) to K26(K1) wire. Push alarm silence
during testing, Repeat the procedure from T1(X2) to relay K26(K2).
(a) Repair any loose or damaged wires (para. 2-20).
(b) Replace circuit breaker CB7 if open (para. 2-23).
(c) Replace circuit breaker CB10 if open (para. 2-23).
(d) Replace switch PB3 if open (para. 2-22).
Step 2. Remove the wires from the A2Y/A2X, A4Y/A4X, A1X/A1Y, and A3Y/A3X contact on K26, Check the A2 and A4
contacts for continuity when the indicating plunger on K26 is pushed in. Check the A1 and A3 contacts for
continuity when the indicating plunger on K26 is out,
If any contact does not show continuity as noted above, replace relay K26 (para. 2-23).
Change 1