TM 10-4610-244-13
TM 09476B-13/1
hypochlorite is caustic and can cause severe chemical burns. To avoid injury:
Wear required protective clothing any time you are handling calcium hypochlorite.
If hypochlorite solution comes in contact with skin or eyes, flush immediately with large amounts of water, and
seek medical attention.
If hypochlorite solution spills on equipment, rinse with large amounts of water.
Whenever performing maintenance on hypochlorination unit, ensure that it is secured, and that proportioning
pump is drained and flushed, if possible.
Whenever receiving pumphead from Direct Support, perform following calibration:
Pumphead must be calibrated while unit is in operation.
Turn pumphead completely off by turning dosage control
knob (1) clockwise as far as possible, while pump is in
operation. Turn dosage control knob only during pumping
stroke, until knob will turn no farther.
Remove screw (2) from dial cover (3) and remove
Carefully lift out numbered dial (4) and reposition it in
dial holder (5) with number 0 at top.
Make sure teeth on edge of numbered dial (4) mesh with
teeth of spline gear (6).
Replace dial cover (3) so that line in window lines up
with mark at number 0.
Install screw (2) in dial cover (3).