ARMY TM 10-4610-309-14
Product Water Water that has been treated in
Alkali Various soluble salts, principally of
the water purification system and is ready to be
sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium,
consumed (also called finished water, permeate,
that have the property of combining with acids to
or potable water.)
form neutral salts and may be used in chemical
water treatment processes.
Raw Water Untreated water; usually the water
entering the first treatment unit of a water
Brackish Water Water that is unfit for drinking
purification system. Water used as a source of
because of salty or unpleasant tastes caused by
water supply taken from a natural or impounded
the presence of excessive amounts of dissolved
body of water, such as a stream, lake, pond, or
ground water aquifer.
Chlorine A chemical that is applied in water
Reverse Osmosis The process in which
purification processes to product water to
pressure is applied to a concentrated solution to
disinfect the water and prevent microbial growth
force liquid from the concentrated solution
in the water. As a gas, its color is greenish-
through a semi-permeable membrane. The
yellow and is about 2 times heavier than air.
membrane allows the passage of solvent (water)
As a liquid, it is amber in color and is about 1-
but not dissolved solids (solutes). The liquid
times heavier than water. Chlorine is toxic to all
produced is de-mineralized water called product
organisms and is corrosive to most metals.
water or permeate.
Filtrate Raw water that has had particles and
Sodium Bisulfite A chemical used in the
microscopic organisms removed from it using a
tactical water purification system when the raw
process of micro filtration.
water contains chlorine. Chlorine will rapidly
damage MF filter membranes and slowly
Micro filtration A filtration system capable of
degrade RO elements.
Sodium bisulfite
filtering particles and bacteria measuring as
neutralizes chlorine.
small as a micron or a portion of a micron.
Turbidity (1) A condition in water caused by
Palatable Water Water that is pleasing to the
the presence of suspended matter resulting in
taste and significantly free from color, turbidity,
the scattering and absorption of light rays. (2) A
taste, and odor. Does not imply potability.
measure of fine suspended matter in liquids.
Permeate Filtrate (filtered water) that has had
dissolved solids (salts and minerals) removed
from it using the process of reverse osmosis.
Potable (1) Water that does not contain any
suitable for human consumption. (2) Water that
is free from disease-producing organisms,
make it unfit for human consumption and many
other uses. Potable water may or may not be
Priming (1) The action of starting the flow in a
pump or siphon. (2) The first coat applied to a
surface to prevent corrosion to protect the