TM 10-4610-310-14
0005 00
∆/MS (UP) or MR/∇ (DOWN) Keys
1. While measuring in any parameter, the ∆/MS (UP) or MR/∇ (DOWN) keys activate the memory store and
memory recall functions.
2. While in the CAL mode, the keys step or scroll the displayed value up or down. A single press steps the
display and holding either key scrolls the value rapidly.
3. While in memory recall, the keys move the display up and down the stack of records.
1. If the proper solution is not selected (NaCI), See Solution Selection below.
2. After sampling high concentration solutions or temperature extremes, more rinsing may be required. When
sampling low conductivity solutions, make sure the pH protective cap is well seated so no solution washes
Measuring Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
1. Rinse cell cup three times with sample to be measured. This will condition the temperature compensation
network and prepares the cell.
2. Refill cell cup with sample.
3. Press the COND or TDS key.
4. Take reading. A display of dashes (- - - -) indicates an over range condition.
Measuring pH
1. Remove the protective cap by squeezing its sides and pulling up.
2. Rinse the sensor well three times with sample to be measured.
3. Shake out each sample to remove any residual liquid.
4. Refill sensor well with sample.
5. Press the pH key.
6. Take reading.
7. After use, fill the pH/ORP sensor well with Myron L Storage Solution, or equal.
If none of the above solutions are available, use a saturated solution of table salt and tap
8. Install the protective cap. Do not allow the pH/ORP sensor to dry out.
Select a Solution Procedure
Check the instrument LCD to observe if solution displayed (NaCI) is already the type required. If not, perform
the following:
1. Press the TDS key to determine which parameter is having its solution type changed. See Figure 5.
2. Press and hold the CAL/MCLR key for about 3 seconds to make SEL appear. For demonstration purposes,
all four of the solution types are shown simultaneously.
3. Use the ∆/MS (up) or MR/∇ (down) key to obtain type of solution required. See Solution Characteristics.
4. The selected solution type will be displayed; NaCI.
5. Press the CAL/MCLR key to accept the new solution type.
0005 00-9