TM 10-6630-246-12&P
TM 09241 B-12&P
The hold prompt will be displayed if the electrode remains in the buffer too long after completing
calibration. If this happens, press measure.
Rinse electrode (11) and probe (12) tip with demineralized or distilled water. Shake dry and place in highest
prepared buffer solution. While stirring gently, wait for a stable pH display, indicated by ready prompt, and press yes
keypad (1). SLP appears in the lower field while the actual electrode slope (in percent) appears in the main field. If slope is
out of tolerance, an error code will be displayed. The meter will automatically advance to the measure mode with
MEASURE displayed above the main field. Remove electrode and probe. Press power keypad (2) to turn meter off.
Rinse electrode (11), probe (12), beakers (15), and stir rods (20) if used with demineralized or distilled water.
If storage/soaker bottle (14) is not full, top off with prepared standard pH buffer solution 4.00. Slide storage/
soaker bottle onto electrode (11) and tighten cap. Be sure electrode tip is immersed in buffer solution.
(2) Auto calibration with one buffer.
Loosen cap on storage/soaker bottle (14) and slide bottle off electrode (11). Save for reuse.
If an air bubble is in electrode (11) tip, shake as you would a clinical thermometer to remove.
Rinse a beaker (15) three times with demineralized or distilled water.
Choose either 4.00 (16), 7.00 (17), or 10.00 (18) buffer, whichever is closest to your expected sample pH.
Open one buffer capsule (19) and dissolve powder in beaker (15) with 3.4 oz (100 ml) demineralized or
distilled water. Use stir rod (20) if needed.
Rinse electrode (11) and probe (12) tip in demineralized or distilled water and place into prepared buffer
Press power keypad (2) to turn meter on.
The hold prompt will be displayed if the electrode remains in the buffer too long after completing
calibration. If this happens, press measure.
While stirring gently, press cal keypad (4), CALIBRATE is displayed above the main readout and P1 is
displayed in the lower field. P1 indicates that the meter is ready for the buffer. When the electrode (11) is stable the ready
prompt will be displayed and the temperature corrected pH value for the buffer is displayed. Press yes keypad (1). The
display will remain frozen for two seconds then P2 will be displayed in the lower field. Press measure keypad (3). SLP will
be displayed in the lower field and the electrode slope, in memory, will be displayed in the main field. Press yes keypad. If
no slope value is in memory, enter the correct slope determined from a two buffer calibration or 100.0 if unknown and then
press yes keypad. Remove electrode and probe (12). Press power keypad (2) to turn meter off.
Rinse electrode (11), probe (12), beaker (15), and stir rod (20) if used with demineralized or distilled water.
If storage/soaker bottle (14) is not full, top off with prepared standard pH buffer solution 4.00. Slide
storage/soaker bottle onto electrode (11) and tighten cap. Be sure electrode tip is immersed in buffer solution.