TM 10-6630-246-12&P
TM 09241 B-12&P
(6) Check the setup menu and adjust, if needed, as follows.
The setup menu is used to identify and change instrument operating parameters. While in setup the yes
keypad (1) is used to scroll through the menu without changing any parameters. To change a parameter, press scroll
keypad T (5) or $ (6), then yes keypad (1) to enter. Pressing no keypad (9) reverts the parameter to its former state (if done
before entering the new setting).
Press power keypad (2) to turn meter on.
To enter the setup menu press 2nd keypad (10) then setup keypad (6). 1-1 and ready will be displayed. The
ON or OFF indicator will flash indicating the current status. Press yes keypad (1) to accept and continue through the menu.
Press scroll keypad t (5) or 1 (6), to change. After changing a setting, press yes keypad to enter.
To change a numeric value, press the T (5) or $ (6) keypad. The first digit will start flashing, scroll until the first
digit is the desired value then press yes keypad (1). The second digit will flash, scroll until the desired value is displayed
then press yes keypad. Continue in this manner until all digits have been changed to the desired value.
Scroll through the setup menu accepting or changing parameters as desired. To exit the setup menu press
cal keypad (4) to begin the calibration sequence, measure keypad (3) to analyze samples, or power keypad (2) to turn
meter off.
The following parameters are accessed in the setup menu.
1 READY: Turning ready on will cause the ready indicator to be displayed when the electrode signal is stable.
It is always on during calibration and when hold is turned on. The default setting is on.
2 HOLD: Turning hold on will cause the display to freeze during sample measurements when the electrode
signal is stable. Press the measure keypad (3) to unlock hold during analysis. The default setting is off.
.3 BEEP: Turning beep on will cause an audible signal to sound when a key is pressed, when the electrode
signal is stable (ready), and when an operator assistance code is displayed. The default setting is on.
4 AUTO SHUTOFF: Turning auto shutoff on will cause the meter to turn off if no keys have been pressed for
10 minutes. This feature will save battery life. The default setting is on.
5 SLOPE: Allows review of electrode slope in memory at any time. Value cannot be changed in the setup
6 TIMER INTERVAL: Used to set the timer interval. The maximum interval that can be set is 23 hours, 59
minutes, and 59 seconds. The minimum interval is five seconds. When the timer interval code is displayed, the current
interval hours setting is first displayed in the main field (H 00). Press yes keypad (1) to accept current setting or scroll to
desired value using T1 (5) or 1 (6) keypad then press yes keypad to enter. Next the current interval in minutes:seconds will
be displayed. Press yes keypad to accept or scroll to desired value using T or I keypad then press yes keypad. The default
setting is five seconds.
7 TIME REMAINING: Allows review of the time remaining before the timer is set to go off. If the timer has not
been activated 00:00 will be displayed.
(7) Connect the pH electrode (11) to connector (8) and temperature probe (12) to connector (13).