TM 3-4230-209-10
Pump Drive Belt Adjustment.
1 Adjust pump (1) belt tension using tensiometer (2), which can be found in the
tool box.
2 Set the O-ring on the small end of tensiometer (2) at the 3/8-inch mark and set
the other O-ring against the outer movable surface of the tensiometer.
3 Place the small end of tensiometer (2) against one of the four drive belts (3) at a
point halfway between drive pulley (4) and driven pulley (5).
4 Press down on the drive belt (3) until the O-ring at the 3/8-inch mark touches
against an adjacent drive belt (3).
5 Withdraw tensiometer (2) and read the indication of the second O-ring, which
was moved along the scale by the amount of pressure applied. The indication
should be between 5 and 7 pounds.
6 If the tension is unsatisfactory, use a wrench to loosen two lock screws (6) that
fasten engine (7) to mounting (8).
7 Turn in or back out the adjusting bolt (9) on the engine mounting (8) to apply or
remove tension as required.
8 Test the tension on all four drive belts (3). Tighten the engine mounting lock
screws (6) when the belt tension is satisfactory. If the four drive belts (3) must
be replaced, notify unit maintenance.