TM 3-4230-218-12&P
Shutdown in Freezing Weather.
(22) Dismantle remainder of decontaminating apparatus; store in accessory
case, and prepare for transport.
Storage in Freezing Weather.
Don cold wet weather clothing IAW page 2-40.
If clothing (including hand gear) becomes wet in cold environments,
the operator should immediately change from wet clothing to dry pro-
tective clothing. If this is not done, cold injury will occur.
Avoid contact with water as much as possible; stand upwind, if pos-
sible, of water spray; use caution when connecting/disconnecting fit-
tings; use caution when adjusting control panel.
The equipment should be placed on a level surface with provision for
water runoff.
The operating area for the pump unit must remain as
dry as possible.
In cold weather, three operators are needed per system to prevent
system freeze-ups and operator injury. The third operator will
assist the other two operators to ensure the necessary operating
steps are conducted in a timely manner.
Extreme caution should be used when wearing loose clothing to pre-
vent contact with moving parts (belts, pulleys, etc).
Mix about 15 gal. of antifreeze (Item 7, Appendix E) to 10 gal. of
water in 32-gal. container (Appendix D) to obtain 60/40 antifreeze
Make sure the pump/heater assembly is not clogged with ice. Remove
drive side panel, and manually rotate water pump pulley. Verify
that fuel in the heater fuel filter is free of water. If needed,
drain filter (page 4-42). Re-install drive side panel. If pulley
will not rotate freely, perform thawing procedures (page 2-42.4).
To prevent injury to personnel, make sure pressure hoses are prop-
erly connected.
A connection that separates can also cause fluid to
spread aver a large area. Slipping hazards may occur.
(3) Place suction hose strainer at bottom of antifreeze container.
(4) Connect suction hose to water inlet (page 2-14).
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