TM 34230-218-12&P
Storage in Freezing Weather.
Restart engine (page 2-24).
Lift up on throttle lever just until
water pump pulley stops rotating (idle speed).
Allow engine to run at idle speed until all fuel in fuel system is
used up and engine stops.
Stow engine fuel line in storage area above engine.
Install fuel can lid on engine fuel can.
Loosen heater lid assembly from heater fuel can, and drain fuel into
heater fuel can.
Remove heater fuel can from unit, and place on ground.
Stow heater fuel lid assembly in tool box.
Install lid on heater fuel can.
Remove injector, shower assembly, cleaning wads, and suction and
pressure hoses from unit (pages 2-30 to 2-33).
Thawinq procedures. If decontaminating apparatus has been exposed
to freezing temperatures without havinq been operated, the unit could be
Manually try to rotate water pump drive wheel. If drive wheel does
not rotate freely, unit is frozen.
Proceed to thaw as follows:
Place unit inside shelter where temperature is above freezing.
Position unit on end so that heat exchanger is down, and pump inlet
is pointing up.
Pour several cups of hot, undiluted antifreeze into pump inlet
while trying to rotate drive wheel.
When pump rotates freely, gently try to rotate water pressure regu-
lator valve handle.
If handle does not rotate, continue to pour
hot antifreeze into pump inlet until water pressure regulator
handle is free to turn.
When unit has thawed and is operating, check water pump and plumbing
for leaks caused by freezing.
If decontaminating apparatus is dam-
aged, make appropriate repairs prior to continuing operation.