(2) Slip rubber connector over pipe (15) leading from water tank, but do not tighten hose clamps.
(3) Insert discharge pipe (18) into rubber connector.
(4) Position U-bolts over spraybar piping (6 and 7, fig. 34) and secure to frame with four nuts and
(5) Tighten hose clamps on rear rubber connector.
(6) Position hose over right and left spraybar valve pipes 6 and 7 and tighten clamps (9).
(8) Slip upper discharge line hose clamps over connector leading from lower discharge line.
(9) Position upper discharge line in rubber connector and tighten clamps (17, fig.33).
112. Suction Valve
a. Removal. Remove the suction valve (para.110).
b. Disassembly.
(1) Remove pin (16, fig. 44) and remove handle assembly (1-6).
(2) Remove handle (6) and adjusting nut (5) from handle stub (4).
(3) Remove handle stub (4) from handle (1).
(4) Remove nuts (14) and lockwashers (13) from studs (11) on disc (10).
(5) Turn disc 180and remove from body (12).
(6) Remove disc O-ring (9), shaft (7) and shaft O-rings (8).
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(1) Clean all parts with an approved cleaning solvent.
(2) Inspect the shaft for scoring or obvious damage.
(3) Remove all corrosion and dirt from inside body.
d. Reassembly.
(1) Roll shaft O-rings (8) onto shaft (7) until they snap into the O-ring grooves (15).
(2) Lay disc (10) flat with small end up. Coat disc O-ring (9) lightly with OE 20.
(3) Compress O-ring into groove at one point on disc. Moving clockwise around disc face at 1-inch
intervals compress O-ring into disc until it appears like a gear. Then compress the bulges until the
O-ring is completely installed.
(4) Lubricate the shaft (7) and disc (10) with OE 30.
(5) Install the shaft (7) in the body (12). Position the disc (10) on the flat sideside of the shaft (7) and
(6) Install the ball (2), spring (3), handle stub (4), adjusting nut (5) and handle extension (6) in the
handle (1).
(7) Position the handle (1) on the shaft (7) and secure with pin (16).
e. Installation. Install the suction valve (para.110).
113. Discharge Valve
b. Disassembly.
(2) Remove the locknut (7), handle (6),spring (5), packing nut (4), fulcum lever (3) and stuffing box (2)
from the body (1).
(3) Remove the fulcum lever (12) and discs (9 and 11) through the drain hole.
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(1) Clean all parts in an approved cleaning solvent.
(2) Inspect the mating surfaces of the discs for nicks or burrs which would prevent them from seating.
Repair or replace as necessary.
(3) Inspect the fulcrum lever and fulcrum for excessive wear. Repair or replace as necessary.
(4) Inspect the body for cracks or breaks. Repair or replace as necessary.
AGO 6871A