gasket surfaces with an approved cleaning solvent. Dry thoroughly with compressed air.
(4) Clean the capscrew threads with a wire brush and coat them lightly with OE 20.
(5) Inspect the cylinder heads for warpage with a straightedge.
(6) Inspect the cylinder heads for cracks, broken fins, and damaged gasket surfaces. Replace a
damaged cylinder head.
d. Installation.
(1) Remove the rags from the cylinder bores. Wipe the bores with an oiled rag to make sure all dirt has
been removed.
(2) Coat a new cylinder head gasket (21, fig. 31) lightly with OE 30 and position it on the cylinder
(3) Position the cylinder head (26, fig. 31) on the gasket (21) and secure with seventeen plain washers
(22) and capscrews (23 and 24). Torque cylinder head capscrews to 22 to 24 foot pounds in
sequence (fig. 32). Use the same procedure to install the opposite cylinder head.
(5) Install the high temperature safety switch (para. 97 ).
(6) Install the cylinder head heat deflectors and shrouding (para. 68).
108. Valve Tappet Adjustment
c. Remove the cylinder head shrouding (para.68).
d. Remove the valve covers.
e. With the engine cold, turn the engine over with the crank until the valve is closed; then continue
turning one-half turn to be sure that the tappet is not riding on the side of the cam.
Note. The engine must be cold when performing this adjustment or the clearances will not be correct.
f. Using a standard feeler gage and tappet wrenches, set the intake valve clearances to .008 of an inch
and exhaust valve clearances to .016 of an inch.
109. General
a. Water Lines. The water lines consist of piping, functioning as an outlet for water in the tank, and also
as an inlet for bringing water into the tank.
b. Valves. There are four valves. Each valve controls the flow of water through the piping. The suction
line valve and the discharge valve regulate the flow of water into and out of the tank, respectively. The two
valves located on the spraybar control the flow of water to either the left or the right end of thespraybar.
c. Fittings. The fittings consist of a suction line cap, spraybar extensions, hoses, a suction strainer and a
foot valve.
a. Removal.
110. Suction Line
(2) Loosen clamp (5) securing rubber connector (4) to suction line and remove suction line tee and
(3) Unscrew pipe (3) from lower elbow. Unscrew lower elbow (2) from close nipple (1). Remove close
b. Disassembly.
(1) Remove suction line cap (10) and suction strainer (8).
(2) Remove nipple (1) from suction line tee (7).
(3) Remove suction valve and close nipple (1) from upper elbow (2) and remove suction valve.
(4) Unscrew upper elbow (2) from nipple leading to suction line tee.
AGO 6871A