valve wide. Check to see that water pressure gage
(2) Make up hypochlorite solution in reservoir
registers at least 10 psi.
by adding high test hypochlorite powder to clear
b. Starting. Starting the hypochlorination unit
water. If maximum flow to be treated is near 100
is only a matter of placing the unit into the water
gpm make up a 1 percent solution (10 ounces of
line that is to be treated and allowing the water to
hypochlorite powder to 5 gallons of water). If
pass through. Inlet and outlet markings must be
maximum anticipated flow is around 50 gpm, start
observed. After installation, proceed as follows:
w i t h a 0.5 percent s o l u t i o n (5 ounces of
hypochlorite powder to 5 gallons of water). Be sure
(1) Decide what maximum flow is to be
that strainer is installed on end of hypochlorinator
treated, and, if possible, produce this flow through
apparatus. Maximum flow should not exceed 100
suction hose.
gpm. Adjust range adjusting valve so that
(3) Set hypochlorinator stroke control so that
hypochlorinator runs at a speed of 12 strokes per
indicator pointer is at 10 on dial.
minute when maximum flow is flowing through
( 4 ) Open water supply valve in hypo-
apparatus. Strokes can be counted by observing the
chlorinator water supply line. Open range adjusting