TM 5-4610-218-12
(3) Replace the terminal panel assembly if it
is unserviceable.
the terminal panel.
Figure 4-35. Terminal Panel, Removal and Installation.
4-37. Control Cabinet.
Dry cleaning solvent, P-D-680, used to
a. General. The control cabinet is located on
clean parts, is potentially dangerous.
Avoid repeated and prolonged
houses the controls and instruments necessary for
breathing of the vapors and skin con-
operation of the water purification unit, The con-
tact with the liquid. Do not use near
trols and instruments housed in the control cabinet
open flame or excessive heat. Use in a
can be serviced, adjusted or replaced without re-
well-ventilated area. The flash-point
moving the control cabinet.
of P-D-680 is 100-138 F (38-59 C).