TM 5-4610-218-12
(2) Inspect the switch for cracks, broken ter-
(3) Inspect the reflector for rust and tar-
minal lugs, springs and burned contact connections.
nished spots.
(4) Inspect the lamp receptacle for cracks.
(3) Replace all unserviceable parts.
(5) Inspect the wires for corrosion or frayed
(4) Replace an unserviceable blackout switch.
(6) Inspect the glass for cracks or discol-
d. Installation. Refer to figure 4-115, and in-
stall and adjust the blackout switch.
(7) Replace all unserviceable parts.
(8) Replace an unserviceable van body ceiling
4-90. Ceiling Light Control.
a. General. The toggle switch that controls the
d. Installation- Refer to figure 4-114 and in-
can body light system is mounted in the right front
stall the van body ceiling lights.
center of the ceiling. The cover plate provides in-
structions for switch positioning.
4-89. Blackout Switch.
a. General. Micro-type switches are mounted on
the ceiling light control switch.
the van door frame just inside the top right side and
c. Clean, Inspect and Replace.
rear door frames and are actuated by the doors.
(1) Clean the switches with dry cleaning sol-
They are single pole spring loaded plunder-type
vent P-D-680.
switches which stay closed when the doors are
closed. Opening and closing of the doors cause the
(2) Inspect the switch for cracks, broken ter-
micro-switch to turn the van lights OFF or ON if
minal lugs, broken springs and burned contact con-
the switch in the ceiling is in the blackout position.
(3) Replace all unserviceable parts.
the blackout switch.
(4) Replace an unserviceable ceiling light tog-
c. Clean, Inspect and Replace.
gle switch.
(1) Clean the switch with dry cleaning solvent
d. Installation. Refer to figure 4-116 and in-
stall the ceiling light control switch.
4-91. Accessory Stowage Box and Frame.
Dry cleaning solvent, P-D-680, used to
a. General. The stowage box is mounted on a
clean parts, is potentially dangerous.
frame attached to the floor of the van body, on the
A v o i d repeated and prolonged
left side of the erdlator tank.
breathing of the vapors and skin con-
b. Removal.
tact with the liquid. Do not use near
open flame or excessive heat. Use in a
cessory stowage box.
well-ventilated are. The flash-point of
P-D-680 is 100-138 F (38-59 C).
age box frame.