TM 5-4610-223-12
Heating. Use the personnel heater provided to heat the water purification unit in the van body. Fuel, coal, or
wood burning heaters, or other heating devices may be installed inside the erected tents to protect the other equipment
and prevent freezing of the water.
Prevent hazards from fires, exhaust fumes, leaking fuel, and oil. Do not allow water to freeze and
build up ice around the equipment.
Purification Process. Chemical reactions are slower in cold water; suspended matter settles more slowly and the
water is more difficult to filter. These factors complicate the water treatment process. If clarity of the water cannot be
obtained, reduce the input rate to 40 gpm. In cold water (40 degrees F (4.4 degrees C) or less) the erdlator agitator
should be set at its lowest mixing speed. When the equipment is to be stopped or shut down, drain all pumps, hoses,
pipe and tanks quickly. Leave all drain valves open and inspect all equipment and be sure that it has drained
completely. To prevent freezing when there is not a continuous water demand, instead of stopping the unit, maintain the
flow of water through the equipment. Put the filter on the recirculation cycle and permit the erdlator to operate normally
with the effluent waste through the wet well overflow. Recirculate the filtered water stored in the two 3000-gallon fabric
tanks with the distribution pump.
Lubrication. Lubricate the equipment as prescribed by the current lubrication orders.
Protection. Protective devices such as shelters and windbreaks will be required in extreme heat. Keep storage
tanks well covered at all times.
Lubrication. Lubricate the equipment in accordance with current lubrication orders.
Electrical Wiring. The insulation of the electrical wiring softens in extremely high temperature and can be easily
damaged. Inspect the electric wiring for fraying, swelling or peeling of the insulation.
Paulin. If possible, the canvas paulin of the trailer should not be exposed to the direct rays of the sun.
Ventilation. Use the heater fan to ventilate the water purification unit in the van body.
Purification Process. Organic matter and plant life grows faster in warm water and sunlight. The increase in
plant life growth will increase the dissolved gases in shallow raw water supplies.