TM 5-4610-223-12
(2) Pull or push trailer up ramp on carrier using any feasible means available which will not damage unit.
Follow up forward movement of trailer by checking behind wheels as trailer moves up ramp.
Blocking Lashing. Block the wheels of the trailer securely by placing a block 8 inches (20 cm) high, sloped to
fit the contour of the wheel, in the front and back of each wheel. Fasten the blocks securely to the floor of the carrier.
Lash the unit down tight on the carrier with heavy wire or wire rope. Utilize the lifting eyes and the lunette for attaching
the tiedowns.
General. When capture of the water purification unit by the enemy or abandonment of it to the enemy is
imminent, the responsible unit commander must make the decision either to destroy the equipment or render it
inoperative. Based on this decision, orders are issued which cover the desired extent of destruction. Whatever method
of demolition is employed, it is essential to destroy the vital parts of the water purification unit and all corresponding
repair parts.
Mechanical Means. Use sledge hammers, crowbars, picks, axes, or other heavy tools which may be
available, together with tools normally included with the water purification unit to demolish the following vital parts in the
order or priority listed. Destruction of the first five vital parts will render the unit inoperative. Destruction of remaining
parts listed will completely destroy the equipment.
(1) Erdlator tank and filters.
(2) Instruments, controls, and valves.
(3) Truck and generator engine and accessories.
(4) Puncture the fuel tanks.
(5) Tires, hoses, and fabric tanks.
The above steps are the minimum requirements for this method.
(6) Pumps and electrical motors.
(7) Wiring and piping.
(8) Filter heads and filter elements.
(9) Chemical feed equipment.
(10) Cables, fuel, hydraulic and coolant lines.