TM 5-4610-223-12
Figure 1-1. Placement of Charges for Demolition of Unit.
Weapons Fire. Fire on the unit with the heaviest weapons available. Direct fire at the pumps, erdlator
assembly, and diatomite filters.
Scattering and Concealment. Remove all easily accessible vital parts such as engine accessories, electrical
control cabinet parts, hoses, fittings, filter elements, and tools. Scatter these parts through dense foliage, bury them in
dirt or sand, or throw them into a lake, stream, or in her body of water. Bags of chemicals should be broken and contents
scattered on the ground or in a body of water.
Burning. Pack the fabric tanks, covers, and hose around the water purification unit. Saturate this packing
with gasoline, oil, or diesel fuel and ignite it.
Submersion. Totally submerge the unit in a body of water to afford some water damage and concealment.
Salt water will do the greatest damage to the metal parts.
Additional Information. For additional information on procedures for destruction of equipment to prevent
enemy use, refer to TM 750-244-3.