TM 5-4610-223-12
(11) Chemical containers.
(12) Van body.
Misuse. Perform the steps listed below to render the unit inoperative.
(1) Drain lubricant and coolant from engine.
(2) Put sand, pulverized limestone, or ferric chloride into truck engine and gasoline driven pump engines.
(3) Start engine and operate at full throttle.
(4) Start water purification electric motors and jam mechanism so that motors will burn out;.
(5) Drop gravel, nuts, or metal scraps into suction side of pumps to operate them.
Explosives. Place as many of the following charges (fig. 1-1) as the situation permits and detonate them
simultaneously with detonating cord and a suitable detonator'. Listed below are the vital parts in order of priority of
demolition . Completion of the first five step will render the unit inoperative Completion of the additional steps will
completely destroy the equipment.
(1) A 2-pound charge on top of transmission case housing.
(2) A 2-pound charge as low on left side of engine as possible.
(3) A 1-pound charge between each filter pump and electric motor.
(4) A 2-pound charge in erdlator assembly.
(5) A 2-pound charge in each filter. Remove one element to place this charge.
The above charges are the minimum requirements for this method.
(6) A 2-pound charge over each set of wheels and axle.
(7) A 1-pound charge in personnel heater. Open access door.
(8) A 2-pound charge in midst of all coiled hose. Pile fabric tanks and covers and bags of chemicals on this