TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1
Check alternator belt for general condition and tension. If frayed, cracked, or loose, maintain or
replace according to instructions in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-3.
Check tension on V-belts driving the pump. If they appear to be cracked, frayed, or slack, maintain or
replace according to instructions in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-3.
Check battery fluid level. Add fluid if necessary. Make sure that all electrical connections are clean
and tight and that batteries are dean and secured.
Check diesel engine and HP pump for leaks, general cleanliness, and placement and tightness of
Seawater system provides seawater (feedwater) to ROWPU's 1 and 2 for
processing into product water.
Make sure seawater system is ready for operation by ensuring that strainers are clean and that filters have been
drained. Set seawater system valves to provide seawater to either ROWPU 1 or 2 according to Chapter 11.
EMS monitors ROWPU's 1 and 2, product water salinity and HP pump diesel
engine, cooling water temperature, and oil pressure.
Make sure EMS is operating normally. If not, start up according to Chapter 8.