TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1
Start inhibitor pump by turning inhibitor pump ON/OFF switch (Figure 13-6) to ON.
Set pump stroke control to 100 and speed control to 46 (Figure 13-10).
Make sure amber indicator light comes on. If amber indicator lamp on control panel does not light (Figure
13-10), troubleshoot according to Table 4-1 in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-3.
Make sure red indicator light does not come on. If red indicator light comes on, replace inhibitor drum
according to paragraph 4-14.1.3 in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-3
As media filters fill up, vent valves on top of each filter may spew air and water
until filters are filled with water. Valves automatically close when filters are full.
These valves may open at any time during operation if air accumulates in media
Ensure that vent valves close when media filters are full of water.
Check MEDIA FILTER OK indicator light (Figure 13-6).
If light is on, go to step i.
If light is out, check pressure readings on seawater pump discharge pressure gauge P1 and media filters
outlet pressure gauge P2.
If pressure difference exceeds 35 psi, backwash and flush media filters according to paragraph 4-14.2 in
TM 55-1930-209-14 & P-3.
If difference is less than 35 psi, check bulb. Replace if burned out
Check CARTRIDGE FILTER OK indicator light (Figure 13-6).
If light is on, go to step j.
If light is out, check pressure difference between media filters outlet pressure gauge P2 and cartridge filter
outlet pressure gauge P3.
If pressure difference exceeds 12 psi, change cartridge cage assembly according to paragraph 4-14.1.1 in
TM 55-1930-209-14& P-3.
Check flow rate on seawater pump flow rate indicator F1 (Figure 13-6).
If flow rate is near 350 gpm, go to step k.
If flow rate is very much less than 350 gpm, make sure seawater valves are fully open or completely dosed
as specified in seawater systems operations procedures in Chapter 11.
Make sure seawater strainer and seawater filter are not dogged.
Repeat step j.
Open valve RO11 to allow feedwater from cartridge filter to flow through HP pump.
Close valve RO16 to prevent HP pump discharge water from flowing back to cartridge filter.
Make sure valves RO20 and R021 are open to allow product water from RO block to flow directly overboard
through port shell overboard discharge in void 3.