TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1
Section I. General
16-1 General. The barge is normally maintained in administrative or long-term storage in a rear area. Prior to
deployment to a forward area, all barge systems must be removed from storage configuration and operated to make sure
an operational barge is being deployed. When the barge is determined to be fully operational, it is deployed to a working
site. Detailed information about anchoring, mooring, and towing equipment (including equipment specifications,
maintenance information and manufacturer's service manuals) is contained in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-14.
Section II. Considerations in docking
16-2 General
16-2.1 The bridge crane jib rail extension and starboardside sliding door are primarily for loading supplies. If supplies are
to be loaded from the dock, barge must be moored, starboard to dockside. If loading from another vessel alongside,
portside should be to dockside.
16-2.2 In confined and congested water ways, such as harbors and ports, barge is normally maneuvered by a tug with
barge "on its hip" (Figure 16-1). While space permits, before approaching the dock, tug may have to switch barge from
one hip to another to permit bringing barge alongside dock with appropriate side free for docking. Tug will then bring
barge alongside dock and keep it on the hip until barge is moored to the dock.
16-2.3 The barge is normally moored to the dock with four lines using both bitts and cleats.
16-2.4 When tying up to another vessel, a tug usually maneuvers the barge into position alongside the other vessel. The
tugmaster is in command while his boat is moving and maneuvering the barge. Lashings will be as directed by the
Section III. Towing procedures
16-3 General. Towing equipment is used primarily for long open-water tows by either commercial or military tugs. For
shorter moves and within congested areas or in close waters, the barge is normally moved by a tug with the barge on the
16-4 Preparation for towing
Secure the following,
Workboat, if being transported on barge.
All deck hatches and soft patches.
All deckhouse hatches, port lights, and doors.
All doors between voids.
All deck equipment/machinery, including shore discharge hose reel, bridge crane outside
extension (jib rail), anchors, and winches.
All interior equipment/machinery, including bridge crane, and void 4 trolley hoists.
All loose equipment and repair parts.
Trim barge in conjunction with tugmaster and according to his recommendations. Normal barge trim for
towing is to raise bow about 9 inches above stern. See Chapter 11 for use of ballast system.