Section IV. Monitor Display
IV. Monitor Display
Bargraph Format (Fig. 5)
Measurements are displayed on the screen, one per line, with the label or identifier on the left side of
the screen, a scale with a bar representing the magnitude of the data in the middle of the screen, and a
digital readout on the right. Marcon's format for displaying information has many advantages over
other types of formats. The labeling to the left of the bar will clearly identify what that measurement is.
The bar format, which can be read by comparing the length of the bar with the scaling above it, can be
scanned quickly, and makes it easy to compare readings. The numbers to the right of the bar gives
exact measurement readings.
Bar Symbols
There are two symbols types which may be displayed on the bar, setpoint markers and reference
markers. Setpoint markers are represented by large white triangles pointing to the left or right.
Markers pointing to the right are low level alarm setpoints, and markers pointing to the left are high
level alarm setpoints. Measurements crossing these markers are alarms, and will be annunciated.
The other marker, a small, white, inverted triangle, is a reference marker. it may be used by the
operator to mark normal operating levels or to check for changing readings. Setting of the reference
marker is covered in paragraph VI. D. 6. b. of this manual.
Bar Messages
There are a number of messages which may be displayed in place of the bar. These messages, which
indicate special situations, are;
This message indicates that the sensor has been deactivated, or 'turned off'.
This message is displayed when the data received from that sensor is of greater value than the
scale displayed on the page. it is the equivalent of the needle on a gauge being pegged at the
top end.
This message is displayed for rate measurements, and some level measurements. it means that
the reading is too low to measure accurately.
This message is displayed to inform the operator that the alarm setpoint on this bar is not active
because the unit being monitored is not on, and the alarm would not be meaningful. This
message may still be displayed
PMS II Operator's Instructions
Page 7