Section IV. Monitor Display
Switches are displayed on the screen as white rectangles with labels inside. The size of switch
displays can vary. The primary active switch information is alarm annunciation, which is discussed in
paragraphs V.B and C. When a switch has been deactivated, or when the Input Board has failed, the
switch is displayed as the switch label with no borders. This format is to make it clear to the operator
that this switch is not active, and will neither alarm nor show status.
Status Switches (Fig. 7)
The most commonly used switches are those that cause alarm annunciation, however the PMS II also
supports switches which show status instead of alarm. This is done by bracketing one of the bottom
lines of the switch with the same symbols as high/low setpoint markers to indicate the status.
Alarm Summary Page
The Alarm Summary Page provides the operator with the capability of viewing all alarming points on a single
page. Alarms are displayed with the label of the point on the left side of the page, and, if the alarming point
is a bargraph, the digital value on the right side of the page. Alarm status and digital information is updated
every three seconds. Unacknowledged alarms appear first, and are displayed in double-intensity blinking
format. Acknowledged alarms follow, and are displayed in normal intensity. Further, if alarm group priority is
specified, the alarms will be arranged in their respective alarm groups in descending priority, labeled with the
group heading. The Alarm Summary Page will be displayed automatically whenever a new alarm is
annunciated, or can be selected manually by the operator by pressing the Alarm Summary key on the
Operator's Station keyboard. if there are too many alarms to be displayed on one page, pressing the Alarm
Summary key again will display the next page of alarms, and so on until all the alarms have been displayed.
Pressing the Alarm Summary key once more will return the display back to the first page.
The PMS II provides for 'hands-off' scanning of all the pages that can be displayed on the Operator's Station.
Scanning will automatically start after an interval of time has elapsed since the last page was manually
selected. This time interval is usually set at 15 minutes. Optional manual capability to start Auto-Scan is
indicated by the presence of a key labeled, 'AUTO-SCAN', on the keyboard. Pressing this key will
immediately place the Operator's Station into the Auto-Scan mode, and will also light the key as a mode
status indicator. Once in the Auto-Scan mode, the video
PMS II Operator's Instructions
Page 11