Section VI. Extended Capabilities
cursor on the desired line or sensor display and press the key for the menu option 'EDIT THIS ONE',
usually '2'. The process is much the same for switches and totalizers, except that the cursor position is
indicated by making the switch or totalizer display double intensity. Also, since there may be more
than one switch or totalizer per line, the cursor moves from left to right to the last display on the line,
then moves down to the next line.
Entering numbers
Changing numbers (like setting time and date) involves choosing a line to edit and entering a new
value. The format of the on-screen information is labels on the left and a column of numbers near the
middle of the screen. The labels are a description of a set of parameters, and the column is the
present value of those parameters. The preceding paragraph described making a line selection by
moving the cursor and pressing the key to 'EDIT THIS ONE'. When this key is pressed, the cursor will
extend through the column of numbers. Now, pressing the numbers keys (as well as '-' and '.') will act
like calculator keys and write those numbers on the screen. When the number to be entered is on the
screen, press the key marked 'ENTER'. This will shorten the cursor and accept the numbers entered.
if the numbers are not acceptable because they are outside the allowable range (like trying to set time
for 26 o'clock), the PMS II will print the max or min allowable value on the screen next to the number
entered. That entry will be ignored. You can try again by pressing the key for 'EDIT THIS ONE' again,
and starting over.
When entering numbers, before the ENTER key is pressed, mistakes can be corrected by using the
RUBOUT key. The RUBOUT key will cause the PMS II to backspace and erase the last digit pressed.
Successively pressing the RUBOUT key will erase the next digit, and so, on until no digits are left.
The key marked EXIT provides a method for immediately leaving the Edit mode, at any time. On
pressing the EXIT key, the EDIT key will go out, and the system will resume monitoring display. The
EXIT key should not be pressed when the cursor is extended and numbers are being entered, since
those numbers will not be accepted by the system. The ENTER key must be pressed first for those
numbers to be accepted.
Edit Capabilities
The capabilities of the Edit mode are displayed on the Edit menu for the operator to make his choice.
The following paragraphs describe the options and their use.
Activate/deactivate sensors
PMS II Operator's Instructions
Page 18