Heater will not heat, light
Measure voltage across heater.
and blower on.
1. Voltage to heater.
Heater burned out. Replace.
2. No voltage to heater.
Loose wire to heater.
Reset timer inoperative. Replace
Relay arm held open by wiring. Relieve.
Defective thermostat.
Blower not on, heater and
Measure voltage across blower.
light on.
1. Voltage to blower.
Blower wheel binding. Loosen or
2. No voltage to socket.
Loose wire. Reconnect.
held open by wiring. Relieve.
Light not on, heater and
Measure voltage across light socket.
blower on.
1. Voltage to socket.
Bulb burned out. Replace
2. No voltage to blower.
Loose wire. Reconnect.
Total System Inoperative.
Measure voltage to the unit at the
Determine cause for ground condition:
(No light, blower or heater.)
switch box. If fuse or circuit breaker
burned out heater, loose wire, etc.
open, measure for grounded condition.
If the unit is not grounded and the
Adjust spring leaf to contact MS switch
heater is operational, suspect the start
when footpedal is depressed
switch. MS start switch may not be
actuated by the flush lever.
Blower goes off when
ITS (blower) thermostat not closing
Replace ITS thermostat. Always inspect
heater and light go off.
for loose wire. Also, inspect the relay
NOTE: Blower should stay on from
arm to make certain the wiring is not
35 to 45 minutes after the heater
preventing its closing to start the blower.
and light go off in order to assure
proper cooling.
Blower goes off
This condition may occur if a 115 volt
Verify that the blower is actually a 115
or 5 minutes after the
blower is wired across 230 volts.
for loose wire. Also, inspect the relay
incineration cycle starts.
determine whether the blower is actually
across 230 volts. If so, rewire to
connect blower across 115 volts.
System operative only while
Reset timer inoperative.
Rearrange wiring to make certain that
foot pedal depressed.
Replace timer otherwise. First, lubricate
gears, however.
Blower, light, heater go off
when foot pedal released.
Heater cycles off and on
Inspect relay arms
Rearrange wiring to make certain that
the relay is not held closed. Adjust
internal selector to 9 or 0, lubricate
gears of clock drive.
1. Measure reset timer cycle.
Replace reset timer if inoperative.
NOTE: Blower should stay
2. Determine if spring actuating leaf is
Relieve pressure against the MS start
on from 35 to 45 minutes
holding MS start switch in closed position
switch by rearranging the actuating leaf
after the heater and light
go off, in order to assure
3. Measure continuity through MS start
Replace MS switch MS switch if it remains closed.
proper cooling
switch when footpedal not depressed
4. Relay contacts may be welded
Determine cause for short or ground After this
together. This indicates a short or
has been found, either replace the relay or
grounded condition.
polish relay contacts with fine emery cloth.
Heating cycle too short.
Apply this standard test: place eight
Replace TS (heater) thermostat if cycle
ounces water in cleaned ashpan. Start
less than 20 minutes.
the incineration cycle. Heater should be
on from 18 to 22 minutes for toilet.
Inspect reset timer internal selector.
If the reset timer is properly set already,
Should be set on 9 or 0
rest timer is inoperative and should be
replaced. First lubricate gears.
Blower runs continuously.
Remove ashpan and allow an additional 30
NOTE: In very warm locations,
minutes for cooing period. If blower is still
blower may be on for as much
on, either ITS (blower) thermostat is
as 60 minutes after
inoperative or relay arm is being held down.
heater is off. Pan should be
warm to touch when
1. ITS thermostat should be open.
Relay arm being held down by wiring
blower goes off.
across it. Rearrange wire.
2. If ITS thermostat is closed:
Replace ITS thermostat.
Odor within toilet room.
least weekly.
Ventline not sealed.
Seal each joint within the room.
Blower wheel and venting system clogged.
Clean bower wheel.
Solids not property incinerated.
Make test as outlined earlier and
replace thermostat if required.
Blower cuts off too soon.
Correct as outlined earlier.
Odor outside.
Same as above
Same as above
Incinerator lid hanging open
Inspect and repair.
Catalyst low
Add catalyst to the catalyst container