TM 55-1930-209-14&P-15
3-9 Shutdown procedures
3-9.1 Jaw vise. After using vise, close vise jaws, stow tools and clean work area.
3-9.2 Arbor press. After using arbor press, stow tools and clean work area.
3-9.3 Drill press. After turning off drilling machine, stow drill bit, wipe off drill press, and clean work area.
3-9.4 Grinder with dust collector. After tuning off grinder, empty dust collector, wipe off grinder and dust collector, and
clean work area.
3-9.5 Emergency shutdown. See paragraph 2-9.1 for emergency shutdown information and procedures.
3-10 Operation under extreme conditions. If an equipment motor overheats due to hot weather, wait until motor cools
and restarts automatically. Restart motor manually if overload trips are used.
Section III. Maintenance instructions
3-11 General
3-11.1 Maintenance concept
3-11.1.1 Unit level and IDS/IGS maintenance on workshop equipment is performed onboard by barge crewmembers
whenever possible.
3-11.1.2 Any IDS/IGS maintenance beyond capability of crewmembers is provided by a shore-based area support
maintenance unit. This unit also determines if depot support maintenance is required.
3-11.1.3 Intermediate support maintenance is accomplished by replacement of components or major end items.
3-11.1.4 Unless other intermediate support procedures are directed, IDS/IGS maintenance normally is provided by an
Army Transportation Corps floating craft intermediate support maintenance unit serving terminal operating area.
Components to be disposed of are processed by this unit.
3-11.1.5 MAC data is shown in Appendix C, TM 55-1930-209-14&P-18. For maintenance of other equipment onboard,
consult appropriate manual.
3-11.2 Maintenance procedures. Maintenance procedures are presented in the paragraphs that follow:
Appendix C, Preventive maintenance, and paragraph 3-13, Maintenance procedures.
3-12 Preventive maintenance. See TM 55-1930-209-14&P-15, Appendix C for preventive maintenance checks and
services for workshop equipment and the arc welder. See TM 55-1930-209-14&P-19 for complete preventive
maintenance checks and services for all systems on the ROWPU Barge.
3-13 Maintenance procedures
Make sure electric power is off before performing any maintenance. Follow safety
precautions in this manual and manufacturers service manuals/instructions.
Due to mission and crew capabilities of this vessel, maintenance normally
assigned to organizational level or higher may be assigned to operator/crew.