TM 55-1930-209-14&P-15
3-13.1 Drill press
3-13.1.1 installation. See page 3, Setting Up in Instruction Manual: 17 Variable Speed Drill Press in Appendix B.
3-13.1.2 Adjustments and calibrations. Make the following adjustments when needed:
a. Spindle return. Adjust spindle return spring according to page 3-3, Adjusting Spindle Return Spring, Instruction
Manual: 17" Variable Speed Drill Press in Appendix B.
b. Drill (spindle) speed. Adjust drill speed according to page 3-5, Variable Speed Control, Instruction Manual: 17
Variable Speed Drill Press in Appendix B. Calibrate spindle speed according to page 9, Calibrating Spindle
Speeds, Instruction Manual: 17" Variable Speed Drill Press in Appendix B.
c. Drilling hole to desired depth. Adjust drilling machine to obtain desired hole depth according to page 3-6, Drilling
Holes to Depth with Hand Feed Drill Press, Instruction Manual: 17" Variable Speed Drill Press in Appendix B.
Quill. Adjust quill according to page 6, Quill Adjustments, Instruction Manual: 17" Variable Speed Drill Press in
Appendix B.
3-13.1.3 Repair
a. Lower spindle assembly replacement. Replace lower spindle assembly according to page 3-5, Changing Lower
Spindle Assembly, Instruction Manual: 17" Variable Speed Drill Press in Appendix B.
b. Spindle adapter replacement. Replace spindle adapter according to page 3-7, How to Change Spindle Adapters,
Instruction Manual: 17" Variable Speed Drill Press in Appendix B.
c. Motor and belt replacement. Replace motor and/or belt according to page 3-8, Installing Motor and Belt, Instruction
Manual: 17" Variable Speed Drill Press in Appendix B.
3-13.2 Grinder with dust collector
3-13.2.1 Installation. See Installation section in Instruction Manual for Baldor Grinders in Appendix B.
Before beginning any repairs on grinder, make sure that power panel 1 circuit
breakers 8P5 and 12P13A-2 on receptacle panel are off.
3-13.2.2 Repair. Replace grinding wheel when diameter is reduced to 2" below original size or when cracked. See
Instruction Manual for Baldor Grinders in Appendix B.
3-13.3 Arc welder. See Lincoln Welders Operating Manual in Appendix B.
Section IV. Storage
3-14 Short-term storage. If the barge is to be taken out of service for more than 7 days; but less than 30 days, unplug
drill press and grinder with dust collector. Close jaws on vise. Clean and secure equipment. Stow loose items. Check
for damage, corrosion, and pilferage. Repair as necessary.