The oil level in the compressor can be checked by the sight glass. To make sure that proper oil level is
observed, operate the compressor for 15 minutes then stop the compressor. Oil should appear 1/8 to 1/2 in the
sight glass with the compressor stopped. Oil should never be drained from a semi-hermetic compressor. If oil is
dirty, the catch-all cartridge in the liquid line should be changed periodically until the oil is clear.
Compressor Oil Specifications (SUNISO 3GS)
(1) Viscosity, S.S.U. (a) 100
(2) Gravity, API at 600 F.
(3) Flash Point, ASTM Open Cup
(4) Fire Point
(5) Pour Test ASTM (Max.)
(6) Color, ASTM
(7) Neutralization No.
(8) Steam Emulsion No. (Max.)
(9) Dielectric Strength (Min.)
(10) Slight Oxidation
(11) Floc Test For Wax (Max.) The mixing of oils is not recommended. If ocher than standard SUNISO
3GS is used, entire oil charge should be replaced. Oil used must conform to specifications noted.