3.4.2 Due to the "sucking" action of the compressor, the gas is drawn through the suction line into the compressor
cylinders. The downstroke of the piston admits a cylinder full of gas through the suction valve and then
compresses the gas on the upstroke, therefore, raising its temperature and pressure. The compressed gas is
kept from re-entering the cylinder on its next downstroke by the compressor discharge valve. The pressure thus
produced causes the hot gas to flow to the condenser.
3.4.3 After the compressed gas passes the discharge service valve and has entered the condenser, heat flows from
the hot gas into the condensing medium (water), removes heat from the compressed gas and a change of state
from a gas to liquid occurs. This liquid forced through the liquid line to the expansion valve for a repetition of
the cycle.
Equipment Diagrams
Electrical Wiring Schematic Diagram The NAC-600 marine air conditioner is wired electrically through the
junction box assembly, part number 600-110, is energized by 440 volts,