3 phase, 60 hertz power transformed in the control circuit through a step-down transformer, part number
097R100, to 24 volt AC and provides electrical current to the ON-OFF switch and thermostat, part number
001R101 and 076R100, respectively, solid state time delay, part number 337-001, as well as high and low
pressure controls which are part of the control circuit. The 440 volts, 3 phase, 60 hertz power is directly
transferred through the special purpose contractors and fed through the circuit to energize the fan motor and the
refrigeration compressor. Drawing #600-002 depicts the circuit analysis as described above in schematic form
and is found elsewhere in this technical manual.
Refrigerant and Water Piping Diagram Drawing #180-001 depicts the travel of the incoming sea water through
the condenser and its flow for cooling purposes of the condenser refrigerant side and through its circulation out
of the condenser through the sea water valve. The refrigerant side is depicted through its travel in each
component starting with the compressor to the condenser, the receiver, etc.