High Suction Pressure
Probable Cause
Suction and/or discharge.
Replace valves.
No air filters.
Install filters.
Air delivery too great.
Check and adjust fan speed.
Low Suction Pressure
Probable Cause
Suction valve not backseated
Backseat suction valve accordingly.
Restricted liquid line.
Replace dryer, distributor.
System low on refrigerant.
Test the unit for leaks. Add
refrigerant until sight glass is free
of bubbles, or until unit contains
total amount of poundage listed.
Dirty filters.
Clean or replace filters.
Coil frosted up.
Defrost and clean coil. Clean or replace
filter. Avoid low temperature operation,
Quantity of air through evaporator
Increase to recommended blower speed.
not adequate.
Slipping fan belt.
Tighten if loose.Replace if worn.
Fan belt broken.
Replace fan belt.
Leaking fusible plug.
Replace plug and recharge.
Discharge pressure too low.
Adjust water regulating valve accordingly,
Improper fan rotation.
Correct by rephrasing.