TM 55-1930-209-14&P-19
Table 7-1. Major Components of Compressed Air System (Continued)
Air Pressure Regulator
Workshop port bulkhead
Reduces air pressure to
1 w/Air Pressure Gauge
40 psi for blowdown of
seachest in void port 2.
Indicates air pressure
in line beyond regulator
Air Pressure Regulator
ROWPU space aft bulkhead
Reduces air pressure to
2 w/Air Pressure Gauge
behind void 4 air ducts
40 psi for blowdown of
seachest in void 4 port.
Indicates air pressure in line
beyond regulator
Air Station 1
ROWPU space port bulkhead
Provides air to quick
near air compressor
disconnect coupling for
pneumatic equipment,
Figure 7-4
Air Station 2
ROWPU space port bulkhead
Same function as Air
Station 1
Air Station 3
Workshop port bulkhead
Same function as Air
Station 1
Air Station 4
ROWPU space starboard
Same function as Air
bulkhead forward
Station 1
Air Station 5
ROWPU space starboard
Same function as Air
bulkhead aft of sliding door
Station 1
Air Station 6
Weatherdeck stern portside
Provides 155 psi to quick
disconnect exclusively
for powering PIG through
shore discharge hose,
Figure 7-5
Air Station 7
ROWPU space port bulkhead
Same function as Air
aft of switchboard
Station 1
Air Station 8
Workshop port bulkhead in
Controls air for blowdown
Seawater Seachest
air supply line beyond
of seachest in void 2 port.
Blowdown Valve
air pressure regulator 1
Used in conjunction with
w/air pressure gauge
seawater valve SW30
Air Station 9
ROWPU space aft bulkhead
Controls air for blowdown
Generator Cooling
in air supply line beyond
of seachest in void 4 port.
Seachest Blowdown
air pressure regulator 2
Used in conjunction with
w/air pressure gauge
seawater valve SW44