TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
Table 3-2. Operator/Crew Troubleshooting - Continued
Step 6. Check for air in fuel system.
Bleed the fuel system. Tighten all fuel line connections.
Step 7. Other causes.
Notify higher maintenance.
6. Engine Has Low or No Oil Pressure
Step 1. Check for low oil supply in crankcase.
Refer to lubrication chart (Fig. 3-1), and service engine crankcase.
Step 2. Check for clogged oil filter.
Service the oil filter (Para 3-9).
Step 3. Check for dirty oil filter.
Service oil filter (Para 3-9).
Step 4. Other causes.
Notify higher maintenance.
7. Engine Overheats
Step 1. Check for low coolant level.
Inspect cooling system for leaks. Add coolant as necessary.
Step 2. Check for low engine oil level.
Refer to lubrication chart (Fig. 3-1), and service engine crankcase.
Step 3. Check for slipping or broken fan drive belt.
Adjust fan drive belts (Para 3-10).
Step 4. Check for loose water pump drive belts.
Adjust water pump drive belts.
Step 5. Other causes.
Notify higher maintenance.
8. Engine Exhaust is Smoky
Step 1. Check for improper grade of fuel.
Drain fuel tank and fill with proper grade of fuel.