TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
Apply air pressure and release parking brake.
Loosen adjusting nuts where the brake bands are joined.
After two adjustments of removing all four 1/8 inch shims, a 1/2 inch shim may be removed and
replaced with four 1/8 inch shims. This can be continued until all three 1/2 inch shims have been
Remove two 1/8 inch shims and retighten adjusting nuts to 121 Ib-ft torque.
Apply parking brake and set band stop screws and cam roller to clearances shown in figure 3-7. Reset the
jam nuts as necessary.
Apply and release the service brake and measure crank travel. Adjusted travel should not be less than
one inch.
Figure 3-7. Front and Rear Brake Drum Adjustment.