TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
Section IV. Organizational Maintenance Troubleshooting
4-6. Organizational Maintenance Troubleshooting Chart. Table 4-1 lists the organizational maintenance
troubleshooting malfunctions, probable causes and recommend corrective action.
Table 4-1. Organizational Maintenance Troubleshooting
1. Engine Fails to Start
Step 1. Check for clogged fuel filters.
Service fuel filters (Para 3-8).
Step 2. Check for defective battery.
Recharge or replace battery (Para 4-2). Clean and tighten battery connections.
Step 3. Other causes.
Notify higher maintenance.
2. Engine Misses
Step 1. Check for clogged fuel filter.
Service fuel filters (Para 3-8).
Step 2. Check for water in the fuel filter and strainer.
Drain the filter and strainer.
Step 3. Check for water and sediment in the fuel tank.
Drain and refill the fuel tank as necessary.
Step 4. Other causes.
Notify higher maintenance.
3. Engine Loses Power
Step 1. Check for binding governor linkage.
Inspect, repair and lubricate governor linkage.
Step 2. Check for system air pressure between 105-125 psi.
Clean compressor inlet port.
Step 3. Check for air system leaks between the throttle control and actuator.
Replace defective air lines.