TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
Table 4-1. Organizational Maintenance Troubleshooting -Continued
7. Engine Oil Consumption is Too High
Step 1. Check for external oil leaks.
Tighten connections or replace oil line.
Step 2. Other causes.
Notify higher maintenance.
8. Engine Oil Pressure is Low
Step 1. Check for broken oil line.
Replace oil line.
Step 2. Other causes.
Notify higher maintenance.
9. Engine Temperature is Too High
Step 1. Check for defective thermostat.
Test and/or replace thermostat (Para 4-8).
Step 2. Check for clogged cooling system.
Flush cooling system and clean exterior portion of radiator core.
Step 3. Check for broken fan belt.
Adjust or replace fan belts (Para 4-10).
Step 4. Other causes.
Notify higher maintenance.
10. Engine Temperature is Too Low
Step 1. Check for defective thermostat.
Test and/or replace thermostat (Para 4-8).
Step 2. Other causes.
Notify higher maintenance.
11. Starter Will Not Turn
Step 1. Check for loose or dirty connections at battery (Para 4-2).
Clean and replace battery cables (Para 4-2).